Honourable John Horgan
Office of the Premier, Honourable John Horgan
From the beginning the Sun Peaks Resort Corporation (SPRC) and their parent company the Nippon Cable Corp. (Japan) has had a unique authority or power over the Thompson Nicola Regional District (TNRD, Board) and our elected politicians including Kevin Kruegar (former MLA), Gordon Campbell (former Premier) and Christie Clark (former Premier).
I have brought numerous matters of discrimination to these politicians, documented in the attached papers including a personal matter of discrimination against me for a mental disability (head injury) by the Tourism Sun Peaks Board (TSP) of Directors and staff. I had sustained a head injury from a motor vehicle accident May 10th, 1985.
You will read in the attached documents, TSP was sanctioning me for my ‘unethical behavior’ and TSP Board members were slandering me at the same time. There is lots of written correspondence between lawyers. Other TSP members made accusations that I was ‘not all there’ and ‘not to be trusted’. Kevin Krugar told me I wasn’t being discriminated against, he’d spoken with Al Raine and stated that I was a trouble maker. I also brought my concerns to my accountant, Ronald Olynyk, CA, also the Thompson Rivers University (TRU) Chairman at the time and a big-big fan of Nancy Greene and Al Raine. Ron later suggested appointing Nancy as the first Chancellor of TRU and Ron was later awarded an honorary Doctorate by TRU. Seemed like everyone would like to be associated with the celebrities Al and Nancy.
I was a TSP Director, elected twice by the membership and the TSP Board, lead by Darcy Alexander and Al Raine were taking legal action against me.
The attached documents from John Broadway, my Kamloops lawyer and the resort’s legal representatives, Davis & Co. will hopefully make this clear. Tourism Sun Peaks and the Sun Peaks Resort Corporation had the same logo, and they used the same law firm, Davis & Company (Vancouver). There was very little distinction between the two entities.
At the time, I informed who I thought were important elected people of the discriminatory practices occurring at Sun Peaks Resort, I even got elected to the TSP Board but the discriminatory practices of SPRC and TSP, including Al Raine and Darcy Alexander continued.
I believe for most persons with a disability they don’t want to bring too much attention to themselves and would prefer to continue on with their lives to the best of their abilities without the stigma attached to being handicapped. I am very sensitive emotionally about this disability and do I want or need this attention. I hope you can help.
Would you please investigate if there has been a breach of the ‘BC Human Rights Act’ and/ or other laws within BC and Canada.
For most of the resort residents and business owners at Sun Peaks, they know about the discriminatory position the Sun Peaks Resort Corporation and Tourism Sun Peaks has taken against me at the resort, banning my accommodation rental / management business from participating in many activities at the resort. See attached Andison letter, DUBO
Many locals would either avoid me or choose to support the resorts position. In their minds, how could Nancy Greene, Al Raine, Petr Duda and Darcy Alexander all be wrong? The discrimination against me as a business owner at Sun Peaks, BC and the real estate property owners I represented in my rental management business (Sun Peaks Accommodations) was a significant hardship and I believe it limited our opportunities at the resort.
The TNRD and the BC Government have basically given over the Governance, have taken a hands-off approach to Local Governance at Sun Peaks, BC and let the parent company of the Sun Peaks Resort Corp, Nippon Cable Corp (Japan), hire Ecosign Mountain Planners of Whistler, BC to write the of the Government Legislation to do with Sun Peaks, BC. Ecosign Mountain Planners were hired consultants to design the overall Resort Master Plan for Nippon Cable Corp., a plan the TNRD and Provincial Govt later approved. Ecosign Mountain Planners also wrote the Mountain Resort Association Act of BC and the Mountain Resort Municipality Act.
I’ve spoken with Paul Mathews, owner of Ecosign Mountain Planners and he’s quite proud of the laws he’s written for the Resort and British Columbians on behave of the Nippon Cable Corp. I believe a conflict of interest exists in these matters.
Political Contributions to the BC Liberal Party
TSP, SPRC, Sun Peaks Grand Hotel (owned by SPRC) and Sun Peaks Utilities Co. Ltd. (owned by SPRC) are all significant financial contributors to the BC Liberal Party and it appears they may have bought their own laws so they can financial benefit from British Columbians.
The NDP and Green Party may want to consider refusing to accept financial contributions from any other these entities.
BC Elections website – Political Contributions
Sun Peaks, BC, is a real estate development firstly, and the Nippon Cable Corp. (Japan)/ Sun Peaks Resort Corp. has written the BC Govt. legislation (laws) to help them pass-off the marketing development costs of their resort via TSP (Mountain Resort Association Act) and the infrastructure / civil maintenance of roads and facilities of their resort via the Sun Peaks Resort Municipality (SPRM). Ecosign wrote the BC Legislation. The BC Government via our elected representatives may have given up their obligation to govern the Province of British Columbia and hired private legislators (Ecosign) to write laws that benefited their consulting clients first, namely the Nippon Cable Corp. (Japan).
Furthermore, Ecosign lobbied the BC Government to create the ‘Ministry of State for Resort Development”, an adhoc Task Force group that was asked to prepare their recommendations to the Minister. Darcy Alexander, VP/ GM of SPRC was the Chairman of the Ministry of State for Resort Development committee.
I suspect every privately owned corporation and business in BC would love such an arrangement, a ‘sweet-heart payola ministry’ with the BC Liberal Government.
Recommendations of the BC Resort Task Force
The Sun Peaks Resort Corporation and Tourism Sun Peaks (TSP) all donated handsomely to the BC Liberal Party.
Darcy Alexander, GM/VP for SPRC, was later appointed Sun Peaks Resort Municipality, Councilor by former Premier Christie Clark. I understand Darcy might be the only appointed Municipal Councilor in Canada.
I didn’t vote for either Clark or Alexander and the BC Government appointing Alexander as a Councilor is a conflict with my beliefs.
Darcy Alexander is the former TSP Chairman who took discriminatory and oppressive action against.
Ski pass
Darcy Alexander and Jeff Putnam, TSP Executive President, met with me, November 21st, 2004, under the false pretense and told me during the meeting they were banning from skiing at Sun Peaks, although they would not provide a reason why. Jeff Putnam is now the Parks, Sustainability and Civic Facilities Manager for the City of Kamloops. I know Jeff personally, have traveled throughout Australia, New Zealand and the US promoting Sun Peaks Resort.
I have written two letters asking for my skiing privileges to be reinstated, the first to Masayoshi Ohkubo, Nippon Cable Japan asking to reinstate my skiing privileges (no reply) and a second letter to Darcy Alexander begging him to reinstate my skiing privileges. It was difficult for me to beg, ask for forgiveness from those who were discriminating against me, however I did it. I can provide the two letters if you wish.
Tourism Sun Peaks funding:
Tourism Sun Peaks (Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Association) receives its funding from their members (real estate owners) via a covenant registered on property title, as well as business owners who contribute quarterly assessments, there’s a 15% reservation booking commission paid to TSP CRES for operating ‘Central Reservations’ and TSP receives an extraordinary accommodations tax of 2%. I collected the 2% tax for ‘destination marketing’ but the homeowners I represented in my rental pool and I did not see any benefits from the tax.
Property owners at Sun Peaks, BC are being taxed and assessed at the resort without receiving any benefits. They are being discriminated against.
Tourism Sun Peaks Board (TSP) applied to the Sun Peaks Resort Municipality (SPRM) seeking their support for the 2% Accommodations Tax. Many of the same people sit on both the TSP Board and the SPRM Council, including Darcy Alexander and Al Raine. When the agenda item came before Resort Municipal Council, Dr. Mario Pozza made the motion, Darcy Alexander (SPRC) seconded the motion and all voted in favor of supporting the 2% Accommodations Tax.
I suspect if an elected representative or Premier Clark appointed Municipal Councilor could directly financial benefit from their authority they would vote in favor to give themselves more tax money. Unfortunately, I had to collect the 2% Municipal Tax from Resort guests for the benefit of TSP but the homeowners I represented in my rental management business and I saw no benefits from the tax. Refer to Andison letter, DUBO.
I know a many of the ski tour operators and travel trade wholesalers from around the world (UK, AUS., NZ, US and Canada) who are sending guests to Sun Peaks, BC, I worked in the Accommodations Rental business for 15 years and I believe they would be aghast to learn the taxes they’re collecting from their clients and remitting to TSP are being used for discriminatory purposes.
The BC Government has bent over backwards to guarantee the successful real estate development for Mr. Masayoshi Ohkubo, CEO, of the Nippon Cable Corporation (Japan). I believe the BC Government should be working for all British Columbians.
The actions of Sun Peaks persons and the inaction of the BC Government and the TNRD have impacted me personally and financially, and have affected my relationship with my ex-wife (Tracy Smith) and my two children. I have been financially and emotionally affected in this matter. I have an expectation to be compensated.
Tourism Sun Peaks discrimination against its members:
See Chris Andison (lawyer) letter to Christopher Nicolson, TSP, President from October 12th, 2004 attached.
I bought one of the first properties at Sun Peaks, BC, in 1994 from Kamloops Alpine Developments and had purchased another 5 homes at the resort over the years.
I would like the TSP covenant registered on the property I own at 4103 Sundance Drive, Sun Peaks, BC removed and I suspect every other property owner at Sun Peaks would want the covenant registered on the property title removed too. I suspect the mayor (Al Raine) and Resort Municipal Council, including Darcy Alexander would oppose it because they are using my TSP assessments to market and promote the hotels they own (Sun Peaks Grand, formerly the ‘Delta”) and the Nancy Green Cahilty Lodge.
Resort Association Act of BC
Section 8.) Oppressive Acts
Thompson Rivers University:
- Thompson Rivers University (TRU): Does Not Support Survivors of Sexualized Violence
- Thompson Rivers University (TRU): Sexualized Violence Policy
I am an honors grad from a TRU Tourism Hospitality program and made the ‘Deans List’. I hope my personal conduct in these matters is in keeping with TRU Ethics and the Standard of Conduct.
I understand Al Raine is the Co-Chair of the TRU Foundation and Senator Nancy Greene is the former Chancellor at the University.
Governance Competency
Years ago, the TNRD Board cited that most of them were in ‘conflict of interests’ so they deferred the issue until later, when Sun Peaks could self-govern themselves. Sun Peaks was a cash cow for the TNRD for years, the second highest community tax base in the TNRD behind Kamloops and the TNRD provided very little in the way of governance.
Premier John Horgan, will you please dissolve the Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Association (Tourism Sun Peaks) and demand Masayoshi Ohkubu, CEO, Nippon Cable Corporation return the TSP assessments the resort real estate investors have paid to date and will the BC Government please assume the financial controls and administration of the Sun Peaks Resort Municipality without the TNRD being involved. The TNRD Board members have already stated they’re in a conflict of interest.
I suspect Sun Peaks Resort is the least inclusive resort destination in Canada. Prince Charles comments (noted below) of July 1st, 2017 in Ottawa do not reflect my experience of inclusiveness at Sun Peaks
“We should be clear and proud that we are celebrating a country that others look to for example. An example of fairness and inclusion, of always striving to be better,” Prince Charles said in his speech. “Around the world, Canada is recognized as a champion of human rights, a peacekeeper, a responsible steward of the environment and natural resources and as a powerful and consistent example of diversity and the power of inclusion.”
I need your help addressing the oppressive and discriminatory matters discussed in this letter. It’s a complex matter involving Government, taxation and discrimination (oppression) against myself, my family and other stakeholders at Sun Peaks.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Ryan Sparks
Cell: (250) 574-6885
CC’ed march 3rd, 2022:
- BC Human Right Tribunal: BCHumanRightsTribunal@gov.bc.ca
- Dr. Andrew Weaver, Andrew.weaver.mla@leg.bc.ca
- Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Local Government Marijke.Edmondson@gov.bc.ca | Tara.Faganello@gov.bc.ca
- Denise Powers: Diversity and Inclusion Committee, dpowers@tru.ca
- Argun Singh: City of Kamloops and TNRD Director director.asingh@tnrd.ca
- Ken Christian: City of Kamloops (Mayor) and TNRD Director director.kchristian@tnrd.ca
- THE RIGHT HONOURABLE JUSTIN TRUDEAU: Justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca
- Masayoshi Ohkubo: CEO, President, Nippon Cable Corp (Japan), info@nipponcable.com
- Arlene Schieven: President, Tourism Sun Peaks, arlene@sunpeakstourism.com
- Dr. Rhonda Nixon, Superintendent of Schools, Kamloops – Thompson, superintendent@sd73.bc.ca
- Frank Caputo*, MP (Member of Parliament, Canada) Kamloops –Thompson –Cariboo, frank.caputo@parl.gc.ca * Refer to video: Frank Caputo at Kamloops Tennis Centre
- Peter Milobar*, MLA, Kamloops – North Thompson * Unit owner at the ‘Nancy Greene Cahilty Lodge’ with his sister, Jennifer Keim, Supreme Court of BC master. Peter has stated he’s in conflict of interest with me and I suspect Jennifer is too. Email: peter.milobar.mla@leg.bc.ca
- Ken Gillis, Chair, Thompson Nicola Regional District (Area L): kengillis@ghostranch.ca director.kgillis@tnrd.ca
- Mel Rothenburger: Thompson Nicola Regional District, Board, (Area P), director.mrothenburger@tnrd.ca; and editorial contributor to ‘Kamloops This Week’ (Aberdeen Publishing Group) & CFJC TV (Pattison Media, Kamloops) mrothenburger@armchairmayor.ca
- David Eby, Q.C.* : Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Housing, AG.Minister@gov.bc.ca / JAG.Minister@gov.bc.ca * Feb. 5th, ‘2018’, I received email from PMO directing me to have my concerns addressed by David Eby, Q.C. (copy of email below)
- The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, pm@parl.gc.ca
- Senate of Canada: sencom@sen.parl.gc.ca
- Micheal Noseworthy, Superintendent of Real Estate, Mike.Noseworthy@gov.bc.ca
- Dr. Brett Fairbairn, Thompson Rivers University President & Vice-Chancellor, president@tru.ca
- Arlee Strachan, Thompson Rivers University Executive to the President, astrakhan@tru.ca
- Amber Huva, Thompson Rivers University Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response Manager ahuva@tru.ca
- TRU Human Rights Law Club
- Filza Raza, VP Internal: f.raza@trusu.ca
- Shantelle Bishop, VP Equity: s.bishop@trusu.ca
- Darien Kilbreath, Indigenous Rep., d.kilbreath@trusu.ca
- Eliana Baboiu, LGBTQ+ Rep., e.baboiu@trusu.ca
- Amisha Patel, Radicalized Person Rep., a.patel@trusu.ca
- Ali Mulji, VP Services, a.mulji@trusu.ca
- Azul Hernandez-Billy, TRUSU President; a.billy@trusu.ca
- Office of the Federal Ombudsman Victims of Crime *Denied support: victimsfirst@ombudsman.gc.ca
- Canadians Victimized Abroad Fund * Denied support. Victims-Abroad-Fund-Manager@justice.gc.ca
- Canadian Resource Centre for the Victims of Crime, Aline Vlasceanu aline@crcvc.ca crcvc2@crcvc.ca
- BC Society For Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse General Inquiries: victimservices@bc-malesurvivors.com
- DENIED Sexual Assault Counselling – BCHRT CS005621 (PDF)
- BCHRT (2021).pdf
- Andison Letter 10-12-04.pdf
- Discrimination and Ethics.pdf
- Dept of Justice Canada & CRCVC letters, BCHRT No# CS005621

Peter Milobar, MLA, Kamloops – North Thompson with Al Raine, Sun Peaks Resort Municipality, Mayor/ Nancy Greene Cahilty Lodge; Darcy Alexander, Sun Peaks Resort Corp./ Tourism Sun Peaks/ Sun Peaks Municipality /Nippon Cable Co. (Japan); Frank Quinn, Q.C. (far right) and Jeff Arnold (second from left), A & T Developments.

Thompson Nicola Regional District (T.N.R.D.) Board
T.N.R.D. and Sun Peaks Resort, Proverb:
If one spends time, associates with and works in a partnership with bad people, you will acquire their faults and will suffer in some way, becoming like said associates.

On Thursday (Feb. 24, 2022) during the TNRD Board’s meeting, Area P (Rivers and the Peaks) Director Mel Rothenburger (alias, the ‘Armchair Mayor’ and ‘Kamloops This Week’, Editorialist / CFJC TV (Pattison Media), asked Kenneth Gillis, Area L (Grasslands) to consider stepping down as Chair of the TNRD Board of Directors. The TNRD Board of Director’s are infighting with each other, pointing blame to each other and they are not being held accountable to their duties and responsibilities as TNRD Directors. The TNRD Board is not doing their job and they all should be fired. I believe it’s high-time the entire ‘Thompson Nicola Regional District’, Board of Director’s and City of Kamloops Counsellors resign from their positions and they do not let their names stand for reelection in the upcoming municipal elections, specifically the ‘Group of Five TNRD Board Directors’ who called for Kennith Gillis’ resignation, including, Kamloops Counsellor Dale Bass, Cache Creek Mayor Santo Talarico, Area I Director Steven Quinn, Area P Director Mel Rothenburger and Area E Director Sally Watson.
‘Group of Five TNRD Board Directors’

Email received from PMO: February 5th, ‘2018’
On Feb 5, 2018, at 7:48 AM, Prime Minister/Premier Ministre wrote:
Dear Mr. Sparks :
On behalf of the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, I would like to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence regarding your personal case.
Please be assured that your comments have been carefully reviewed. I recognize why you have written to the Prime Minister. I sympathize with the situation you describe and realize that this has been distressing for you. However, I hope you will understand that the Prime Minister is unable to personally intervene or provide you with direct assistance in this matter.
It may be helpful to know that primary responsibility for the matter you discuss rests with the provinces and territories. You may therefore wish to share your concerns with the Honourable David Eby, Attorney General of British Columbia. Minister Eby can be reached at JAG.Minister@gov.bc.ca.
I regret that this office cannot help you in the way you had perhaps hoped, but I wish you well in resolving your concerns.
Thank you for writing to the Prime Minister.
T. Jolicoeur Executive Correspondence Officer for the Prime Minister’s Office
Agent de correspondance de la haute direction pour le Cabinet du Premier ministre
From : Ryan Sparks skrapsryan@gmail.com
Received : 31 Jan 2018 12:48:31 PM >>> Subject : Discrimination in Canada, Ryan Sparks >>>> Tuesday, January 31st, 2018 Justin Trudeau House of Commons Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6